Call for Papers
The abstract should be up to 250 words including:
Title: MS word in Arial (Size 16 points) in single spacing
Authors: MS word in Arial (Size 14 points)
Affiliation: MS word in Arial (Size 12 points)
Abstract: MS word in Arial (Size 12 points) in single spacing
Abstracts should briefly include the purpose of study, materials and methods, results and conclusions. At the bottom of the page, please indicate the theme and also whether an oral or poster presentation is preferred. (Only a few selected papers will be given the opportunity for oral presentation due to time constraint). The name of the presenting author should be underlined and accompany the e-mail address.
Abstract should be submitted through e-mail at Abstracts of only the registered candidates will be considered for oral/poster presentation. Though the preference is taken, the final selection will be made depending upon the number of abstracts received.
All the submitted abstracts will be scrutinized by a reviewing committee and information of the acceptance will be sent by e-mail to presenting /corresponding author.
Conference Proceedings
The conference will provide a forum for researchers to present their work related to conference topics. The presented papers after peer review process will be published in prestigious high impact factor scopus indexed journal as a special issue.
- Last date for Submission of Abstract : 10th January 2024
- Acceptance of Abstract : 15th January 2024
- Last date for Submission of Registration Fee: 20th January 2024
- Last date for Submission of Full Paper: 31 January 2024
- No travel reimbursement will be made by the organizers.
- Accommodation can be booked on request. The payment for the same will be borne by the participants.
- For oral presentation, time of eight minutes will be given to each speaker.
- Presentation is to be prepared in MS Power Point and to be brought on a USB memory stick.
- Standard Audio Visual equipment will be provided for presentation.
- Space will be provided for poster (1 × 1 metre2) display.
- Pins and stand will be provided by the organizers.
- Poster should be legible enough to be viewed from a distance of 4 feet.
Oral and Posters will be evaluated by the team of experts and best oral and poster presentation awards will be awarded.